In the "City of Light" sideshow, Jasper helps Raven snap out of her loyalty to ALIE by mentioning Finn. This triggers an avalanche of emotional pain at the thought that she has lost all of her memories relating to emotional pain. Now, she's fully against ALIE rather than another ALIE zombie.
i laughed really hard when alli said what she said now lmao #the100
— laura (wanhedablvd) March 11, 2016
Really Jaha? Override free will and consent? That's cool with you? Glad to see you are still THE WORST. #The100
— Kim Throneberry (kthro) March 11, 2016
OMG! Raven is aware that she has forgotten Finn!! Thank goodness for Jasper and his blabbering! (Is that the right word to use?) #The100
— Michelle Salazar (MShelli) March 11, 2016
omgomgomgomg Raven Reyes my cyborg rebel princess #The100
— Gillian Berry (mizgillianberry) March 11, 2016
In the main plot, the Grounders come to tell Arkadia about the new barrier their setting up to stop them from killing anymore of their people, and how anyone who crosses it will be killed... like the people who used to belong to the bag of heads they throw down at Bellamy's feet. Pike doesn't want to make matters worse for the moment, but Bellamy decides to be even worse than Pike and kill the messengers without thinking about how, you know, they don't have enough ammunition to fight off a whole army at the moment.
@InsideThe100 If bellamy is really a good guy he's doing a great job acting like a douche. #The100 Very convincing.
— My Real Name (68Lovinlif) March 11, 2016
Has bellamy been brainwashed or lobotimized??? #The100
— Sarah Wethern (whtabtpineapple) March 11, 2016
Bellamy, this is why we can't have nice things #The100
— Brittany ❤ (Brittany3245) March 11, 2016
Pike. YOU are the reason these people are dead. #The100
— Lee A (leedfrazer) March 11, 2016
Maybe you don't have the ammo because you massacred an army. Maybe that was a bad plan for a lot of strategic reasons. #The100
— Poppy (poppysimeri) March 11, 2016
Pike quickly devolved into a total idiot. Surrounded. Dwindling supplies. Greatly outnumbered. But they're going to win! Really? #The100
— Asta77 (Asta77) March 11, 2016
Something has to change tonight in this mountain of bullshit they are peddling as a story. I won’t waste my time on this anymore. #The100
— Zac Walker (zakkorama) March 11, 2016
Finn is also mentioned in the main plot, by Pike. He hinges Kane's failures on the idea that Kane "handed Finn over" to his death... except, that's not exactly how it happened. It's complicated. Still, Kane comes up with a brilliant plan of trickery against Pike, which Pike seems to thwart when Sinclair gets arrested while trying to sabotage a rover. But that was part of the plan!
Lowkey understand Pike's ideologies but he still need to get assassinated tho lol #The100
— Etser Edouard (Pasterr_22) March 11, 2016
Pike lecturing Kane about choosing the right side got me like... #The100
— Fangirlish (fangirlishness) March 11, 2016
Pike dared to go there by throwing the memory of Finn in Kane's face. What an utter asshole! #the100
— Stacie (Unicorns_reign) March 11, 2016
um wait excuse u pike, Finn died bc he massacred a whole village looking for Clark how is that canes fault?!? #the100
— 〽️adi Cook (madilyncook) March 11, 2016
And the grounders didn't kill him, Clarke did. AND HE MURDERED 18 KIDS. #the100
— samantha. (samcaseys) March 11, 2016
I don't care about any of the ppl in Arcadia anymore, they digging themselves into a huge hole #the100
— Destinee . (lavendermoonlte) March 11, 2016
This is why I love this show so much! Kane and Sinclair playing the long game! #The100
— Grace (EGrace2112) March 11, 2016
I feel like this was part of the plan. Step 1: Put Cupcake in jail. #the100
— 4 Your Excitement (4_Y_E) March 11, 2016
The next part is Lincoln fake-beating the crap out of Sinclair:
— WrasslingFanatic (ValkyrieToGlory) March 11, 2016
And then Bellamy gets the surprise of his life when he realizes that it was all an act:
Okay, NOW shit goes down the last minutes! I CAN'T WATCH IT ANY LONGER!OH GOD,I'M ALREADY DYING! #The100 renew the 100
— Sophia (MissSophie23) March 11, 2016
Lincoln once again the total badass with Sinclair as support. #The100
— Kate Larson (k1arson) March 11, 2016
Pike sends everyone down to handle the prison break, leaving him vulnerable to Kane:
Light him up Kane 🙌🏼 #The100
— PhilippaPierce (PhilippaPierce) March 11, 2016
YOU GO KANE! Yeah man. Kane just did what we all wanted to do. #TeamKane #The100 Renew The 100
— Aren Laurentia (Nimloke) March 11, 2016
Don't taze me bro #The100
— Jarrell (professafloyd88) March 11, 2016
Kane gets the upper hand and drives Pike toward the gate, obviously planning to take Pike to the Grounders, as they wanted. Unfortunately, Bellamy is waiting at the gate, and Kane loves his surrogate son too much to run him over. Sooooo, Kane gets arrested and Pike sentences him to death, at which point Bellamy finally realizes that he doesn't like killing people willy-nilly after all. Oh, and by the way, if Kane dies, I will no longer be posting gif-tweet-caps.
FINALLY!!! OMG finally there is a glimmer of Bellamy! HE LIVES!!!! #The100
— A Kingdom of Queens (Queen_and_Crown) March 11, 2016
I AM 100% NOT DONE WITH THIS EPISODE. GIVE ME MORE! #Renewthe100 #the100
— Sarah Sensenbrenner (sarahs8294) March 11, 2016
— Sarah (The100Boston) March 11, 2016
so over Bellamy showing a shred of human decency and then letting Pike talk him out of it in a second, rinse and repeat #The100
— yes (ravenre_yes) March 11, 2016
— ️ (voguelisa) March 11, 2016
— Jennifer (jenserviss) March 11, 2016
If they kill Kane, I will forever hate Bellamy. #The100
— Yolanda (LadyMockingjay) March 11, 2016
Pike if you hurt Kane I hope the grounders drag you out of Arkadia and make you die by 1000 cuts. #the100
— Amanda Culbert (MyCrazyReality) March 11, 2016
Bellamy was my fav of the show. right now tho, I am so mad at him. If it was me I would have ran him over. #THE100 Sorry not sorry
— Faye사랑 (OhMySehuniie) March 11, 2016
Kane: don't be like space me I was the worst I was clean shaven #The100
— meg (megsaysthings) March 11, 2016
— Melissa (melissaloparco) March 11, 2016
REALLY?!? Major choking Kane. Shoulda gunned it, they would've jumped outta way. Now resistance all down 4 nothing #the100 @the100writers
— Just another person (NerdyJoy) March 11, 2016
Way to go, Bellamy. You disappointed dad. #The100
— Shoop (NancySolberg) March 11, 2016
remember when we all hated Kane haha good times #The100
— ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (lacyduckie) March 11, 2016
Bellamy, mind your father, AKA Kane. #The100 RENEW THE 100
— Indygoh (Indygoh92) March 11, 2016