
Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Reflections on the 2016 A to Z Challenge

I love the A to Z Blogging Challenge! I have done this for three years now, and it's been a blast each time. In fact, this blog exists because of the challenge. A couple of years ago, I saw a post about it somewhere... I believe it was Google Plus. I was thinking about starting a blog anyway, but the challenge started that day. Sooo, I went through all the steps to create my blog, got everything set up, joined the challenge, and submitted my first post, all in one day!

This time, however, I did have some trouble. just a couple of days after the challenge began, I had to take my mom to the ER. I was visiting her in the hospital every day for a while, then brought her home, where I had to take care of her and handle much more than I ever had before. It was very nerve-wracking, and scary.

During all of this, everyone has been telling me that I had to take care of myself as well, so doing the challenge was part of that, even though I missed a few days. I really enjoy doing these posts, so it's more fun than work for me. My day job is in computer engineering and software engineering, so this blog is just pure fun for me. So, even though I missed some days, I thoroughly enjoyed the days in which I participated, even if it was sometimes difficult "doing something for myself."