
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Jotting Junky Jabberwocky

Do you remember "Jabberwocky," the nonsense poem written by Lewis Carrol? Well, that title is the word I use to describe the nonsense I write (or that goes through my head) each day.

Before I found the Yahoo Contributor Network, I used to use Gather for posting a few thoughts here and there. One thing I posted was just a stream of nonsense. It wasn't a poem or anything, just a load of junk.

That junk was my most popular post. So, I decided to do the "Daily Nonsense" post. It didn't last very long, because I got too busy to keep up with it, but most of them did pretty well. Some people thought the posts were hilarious, some thought I was trying to make some sort of point and others were just plain confused by it all.

I guess the confusion stemmed from the fact that my version of nonsense almost makes a bit of sense at times. It's like I'm trying to make some sort of point that just isn't coming clear. Perhaps that is the case. Perhaps the nonsense flowing from my brain during my moments of "brain correction" really are trying to make a point that is not yet clear.

For a fresh example, I will now present nonsense that is flowing from the back of my brain at this very moment, as I write:

Although there are no ducks or geese in my Jabberwocky,
I thought this photo I took of ducks and goose butts
matched the level nonsense (and hopefully humor)
of the text.
My heart is with the golden ticket, up the junket, to the right of the mayonnaise mountains. They flow for miles, through the rocks and turtles, until a pink parasol lands on them and hurls them through the air on the imaginary flight of fancy. The trinkets of ol' are on the ship already, flying to Mars for their big debut.

It's not until they reach the outer planets that they will be truly missed by their parents and offspring. It all goes into the funnel at one point or another. It's just that this time, they will be on top of a red pointy thing with ears. I just figured that out: it's for my teeth.

Show them all you have in the carrot of the soul. It's going to wear out soon enough anyway. Don't stop it from going down the tube though, or you may be stuck with a lumbar support and a jackrabbit, cuddled up together in space.

There it is, folks! I didn't change anything after the fact, although I did correct the spelling of the word "mayonnaise," and added a bit of punctuation.

The funny thing is that, even before I began posting my nonsense on Gather, I used to tell this stream of nonsense to a friend. This was way back in high school. One day, she asked me to tell her a story, but I didn't have anything to say. So I told a story as a stream of nonsense. She couldn't stop laughing. She was laughing so hard, I thought she was going to break a rib. After that moment, she would ask me to tell her another nonsense story whenever there was a lull in our conversation.

So, what do you think about my free-streaming Jabberwocky? Do any of you have a similar process? Do you often partake in some form of stream of consciousness writing? Do you have any Jabberwocky you'd like to share? It's a rather fun process, and can sometimes lead to a story. At the very least, it will help remove the junk from your brain so you can begin to think clearly again.


  1. Liking that word Jaberwocky! Cute post....thanks for visiting my blog Kristen, I don't have any to share today! Ha Ha

  2. U know what Kristen even doing the "Jabberwocky" is an art and U seem to have it. I also just was smiling thru out
    JABBERWOCKY i read some other post on the same thing :P
    FUnny !!
    THis was in alice in wonder land na

    :) Thanks for all ur comments and sorry as I couldnt visit urs freqly due to lack of time. Promise to catch up SOON or u will be throwing me on the moon with a butter fly as the company in a ISRO Rocket which will make me land there by noon !

    OOPS mine sounds real nonsense ;)

    1. Thank you! I enjoy your nonsense as well. :)

  3. First time I saw this word was, aptly, from a video game. One of the bird-type bosses was called The JabbaWocky in Secret of Mana. :D

  4. Sometimes a bit of nonsense works...or gobbledeegook as we say in the UK, don't know if that's the correct spelling!

    1. We call it gobbledygook as well (I had to look the spelling up, because I didn't know either). The word isn't exactly a word per se, but the name of the linked poem that was in Alice in Wonderland.

  5. Brilliant writing; lots of fun to read.

    Blessings and Bear hugs!
    Bears Noting

  6. I think the the manuscript I'm editing is Jabberwocky!

  7. WOW *insert mindblown sound effect here*. I can't even make my own version of this!

    Sincerely,Miss Uncertain---sidetracked

  8. I think it makes at least as much sense as Joyce.

    1. I'm not sure what that means. I saw a blog called Mere Joyce, is that it?

    2. No, James Joyce. He frequently (maybe always) wrote stream of consciousness.

    3. LOL! My brain wasn't even going there! I was thinking of our own little blog hop world. You know, sometimes my stuff makes less sense to me than even James Joyce. I see what you mean though, I guess it has sort of a similar feel.

  9. Kristen,

    Great post! I always have jabbewocky going through my head. That bit you wrote almost sounds like a free-writing exercise. We had to do that in writing class, just writing for three minutes anything that came across your brain. My mind wonders all over a lot, especially late at night, or if I'm trying to sleep.

    I always tell myself "what nonsense!" I'm glad my husband can't see inside my head because he thinks I'm crazy anyway.

    I posted a piece on my blog a few months ago that is a jabberwocky story. I probably wrote it in five minutes and then just went and fixed punctuation and spelling.

    Writing a bit of jabberwocky is good for you, and it does free up your mind for awhile.


    1. Yes, it's definitely a type of free-writing. I think the thing that may make it seem a bit different is my sci-fi mind. :)

  10. I love this. It's when you talk and write and write what you are talking about and it reads like total nonsense but it has a sense to it after all!
    I do this a lot with my sister. ;)
    Great post! :)

  11. Did you ever see the 'Jabberwocky' episode of "Better Off Ted"? That was a lot of fun. It was also nonsensical. (Not the whole show, just the Jabberwocky part.)

    My hubby has been sick and the meds he took a few nights ago made him sound like he was writing a Jabberwocky poem. He was very amused with. :P

    1. Hahaha! I haven't seen that show, but what you said about your husband is hilarious. :) Thanks!

  12. Saying hello from A to Z. I see some metaphors in your jabberwocky, perhaps quiet symbols for other things going on in your life? Thanks for sharing!

    1. I'm not sure. I love sci-fi. There's probably some symbolism in there that I can't see at the forefront of my mind. :) Thanks for stopping by.

  13. Daily nonsense. I have plenty of those!!! But I am not sure I would tell about it. :)

    1. I'd like to hear it anyway. :) Thanks for stopping by.

  14. Sometimes its very freeing to let a stream of nonsense flow. Yours is delightful!

  15. I have a confession to make. As much as I've always enjoyed poems, the first time I'd ever heard the word JabberWocky was on America's Best Dance Crew. At least they won their season. lol

    1. Many people have said the same. It's from Alice in Wonderland, so you may have actually heard of it but not remembered. :) Thanks for stopping by.


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