
Sunday, May 5, 2013

A to Z 2013 Reflections and Everyday in May: I Love My Fellow Bloggers!

Today's prompt for the "Blog Every Day in May" challenge is: "Publicly profess your love and devotion for one of your blogger friends. What makes them great? Why do you love them? If you don't have blogger friends, talk about a real-life friend or even a family member."

First of all, I don't know any bloggers personally, so I can't exactly "profess love" for them, but I can definitely profess my love for some blogs. Since I started my blog on the first day of the A to Z Challenge, on April 1, 2013, I thought this post would be perfect to also serve as my A to Z Reflections post.

It was the A to Z bloggers who inspired me to complete the challenge, after all! I want to thank all of them for inspiring me in some way, even if I haven't reached them yet. I plan to spend the next year checking out all the blogs on the list. So if you haven't inspired me yet, you probably will soon!

Rather than list all of the blogs I followed during the challenge in this post, the complete list of blogs I followed during the A to Z Challenge is available at the bottom of my right sidebar. I do want to make special mention of several of them, however. I loved all of the blogs that I followed, but some of them inspired me in very special ways.

First, there were two bloggers that I know of who specially mentioned me in their "Z" posts, so I would like to thank them for that. The first, Afshan, not only mentioned me, but has a very interesting blog as well. I think Indian culture is so interesting, and she taught me so many things I did not know.

The second was Zainab. Her blog had some of the best poetry I've read. I'm no poet, so that was truly amazing to me. She made no mention of NaPoWriMo in her blog, so I assume she is just naturally lyrical. Her poetry wasn't even part of a challenge!

Speaking of NaPoWriMo, I was truly impressed by the Pull Up a Toadstool blog. Tracy Moore not only kept up with the A to Z Challenge, but wrote a poem every single day for NaPoWriMo as well! And they were actually good poems! Amazing!

And then there is Rebeccah Giltrow, whose blog Rebeccah Writes, inspired me so much that I did each of her writing prompts in the comment of each post. Every day during the challenge, she listed a new Oulipo challenge. Each one was so much fun, I just had to try it out. Rebeccah is also doing the "Blog Every Day in May" challenge.

I also have to mention Haley's Comic. I can't even believe the work Haley put into that thing! Not only did she draw little comics each day for the challenge, but they were actually funny! Hilarious in fact! I can't even tell you how much I love that blog. I just wish she was doing the May challenge as well so I could enjoy a post like that every single day. That blog should be famous!

Another truly enjoyable blog belongs to Rowena. I've enjoyed her good humor, but especially her cute little sketches all through the A to Z blogging challenge. Seeing her bits of artwork each day inspired me and put a smile on my face.

Lastly, I have to mention DL Hammons for not only completing the challenge, but running a contest during the challenge as well! And he did this despite having to go through some painful personal ordeals. He's amazing, and his blog has taught me so many ideas and tricks for having a successful blog.

Thanks to everyone doing either or both of the A to Z and Every Day in May challenges! I love you all for enriching my life and inspiring me to continue with my own blog! You have all helped me to survive the challenge.


  1. I cannot believe that you just started your blog. You completed the A to Z Challenge...congratulations. And you are doing so well with this one. Blog away!

    1. Thank you so much for the kind words, and thanks for stopping by!

  2. You did great during the challenge. I had a lot of fun visiting new blogs as well.

    Dark Thoughts Blog

    1. I couldn't believe how many awesome blogs are out there. There wasn't a single one I visited that I didn't enjoy in some way, or at least see it's value to others. There's so much talent out there! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Aah thanks for the mention Kristen! Your blog was one of my favourites too, the cute kitty pictures and your amusing tales won me over.

    1. You're very welcome! I've so enjoyed each and every post of yours.

  4. Congratulations on finishing A to Z! Visiting, Following & Inviting you to my blog. Looking forward to 2014

    1. Following and loving your blog in return. Thank you!

  5. Happy Future Blogging...and it probably took me two years to get 73 followers. Congrats

    1. Thanks so much. I really enjoy your blog, and will continue to return to it.

  6. Happy blogging in May, and beyond, Kristen! Bear loves you, too.

    Blessings and Bear hugs!
    Bears Noting
    Life in the Urban Forest (poetry)

  7. It's truly amazing when you get out there and start reading some of these blogs. I find that there are lots and lots of people who are having amazingly tough times and yet, you would never know it from their writing. Only later, when you get to know them better and they start opening up does one find that their lives are hard, sometimes harder than whatever it is we might be dealing with. The human spirit doesn't do well with negative emotion, I believe. I can't stand to be around people who don't want to do something for themselves, regardless of whether of not the can or cannot. I try to help someone if they are really sincere about changing (I live in da 'hood, as it's known) and can pretty much tell who's serious and who isn't. It seems you're off to a good start, Kristen. Happy May!

    1. That's so kind of you to say! It's all relative too. Some people manage to be rich and unhappy, and others can be poor and happy. I know I've had times when my family had very little, but we were always happy. It's truly a matter of attitude. Thanks for stopping by!

  8. Thank you for the kind words, Kristen! I really wish I could have visited more during the Challenge, but maybe I'll be able to make that up now! :)

    1. You already do so much, I don't even know how you keep up! :)

  9. HI Kristen, I love the way your reflected on the A to Z by listing some of your A to Z favorites. Great way to do it and now I want to check all of those you listed especially those I haven't gotten to myself. I did love meeting those from different cultures and learned a great deal as well. I also thought your idea of visiting the entire A to Z list through the year is fabulous. So glad I stopped by to check you out. I will enjoy looking through some of your other posts. I did enjoy todays, (Monday, May 8) as you describe your adventure into swimming. Great blog. God bless, Maria at Delight Directed Living

    1. Thank you very much! Visiting your blog now as well. Thanks for stopping by!

  10. Thank you for the special mention. I'm so glad that you found my blog; I loved reading your comments and was pleased that you gave each constraint a go.

    And yay for blogging every day in May! I love me a good challenge. It keeps me busy and out of trouble!

  11. Whew, more then a handful of clicks later and I made it to you blog. Google+ really makes it difficult. No reason to wait til next to follow each other for the challenge etc. If you started your blog at the beginning of the challenge and already have over 100 followers you've done much better then most, congrats to you. Did a-z with 3 blogs, doing May challenge with 1...things are improving, but only slightly.


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