
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Everyday in May: Office Etiquette Article Reminds Me of My Old Job

Today's prompt is "Something you read online. Leave a link and discuss, if you'd like." I read this article by my fellow Yahoo! Contributor: Office Etiquette 101: How to Deal with Irritating, Loud, Sick and Clueless Coworkers.

I always love Rebecca Black's articles because she covers etiquette for every situation. This particular article is no longer as useful to me as it once would have been, but it reminds me of my old job. I had that coworker she talks about in her article. Several of them over the years, actually. Ah, memories.

The article really served to remind me of how happy I am to be back to my entrepreneurial roots, no longer having to work next to others in a cubical and do what others tell me to do. I love my life!


  1. So, the only ones in your life for whom you display etiquette are your agent and publisher? OH, and your family too!

    "Hmmmm," said the Bear.

    Hope you've had a good, entrepreneurial day?

    Blessings and Bear hugs!
    Bears Noting
    Life in the Urban Forest (poetry)

  2. Hi there! Thanks for stopping by my blog during last Monday's Blitz. All of you really made my day!

    I hope you had a great Sunday. ☺

  3. Office (non)niceness apart, it is really good that you are doing what you want. Enjoy it for the rest of us too :-)

  4. Oh the pains of having a noisy nose poking co-worker! Glad you don't have to take any of that any longer :)

  5. Hi Kristen! I'm sorry I missed your Blog Blitz day, I was in Scotland for three weeks and for some reason, I couldn't sign onto blogger. Anyway, I was so glad that DL blitzed you, because I suggested you to him :-) I'm now trying to catch up from three weeks away. Got up at 2 a.m. because I'm still on Edinburgh time. Ah well, I'll be back into the swing of things by the end of the week!

  6. You and me both! I'll admit I miss having so many people around sometimes, but not enough to go back. ;)

  7. Yeah I have that sort in both my colleagues. Sadly, one is my mother and one is my cousin, so I've learnt to cope. :-D

  8. Did you jump into a new challenge so soon after A-Z? I was so wrung out by A-Z that I didn't log into Blogger for weeks (although school might have played a role in this.)

    Love reading your posts as usual! Sorry I didn't come by sooner.

    Oh, I have an award for you! :)

  9. I had a co-worker who would bounce a bouncy ball off the plexiglass between our cubicles throughout the day. He'd do it his entire break (I don't even know how he ate while doing that). Bounce, catch, bounce, catch. Addressing it with him didn't matter. The boss (who was also quite sexist) thought it was hysterical. Stealing the ball did no good, as he always kept spares in his car. I really disliked him. Ultimately, I insisted on moving to a different cubicle. Much better. I certainly don't miss my cubicle days.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse


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