
Monday, September 9, 2013

Another Triple: 'Copper,' Violent Shirt Tigers, and More Kitty Photos!

The first thing I did very early this morning (which could also be considered late last night) was to write my recap for Copper. It's not due until morning, but I actually got up at 3:30 am. Why? Because Miss Kitty slept with me on my bed, and mama's boy Booty decided to walk down the hall and meow up a storm for mama's attention until she got fed up and asked to be let out in the front yard.

I tried to get back to sleep, but was wide awake at that point. So, I went ahead and wrote my article before finally getting tired again and going back to sleep. I should actually do that more often, because I got a special message from my editor saying that the recap was particularly good, and that my tone was superb. My lack of sleep paid off!

Anyway, another reason I feel the recap was good was because I really enjoyed the episode. It left off on a nail-biting cliffhanger, and contained an awesome scene between Matthew and the shop owner. You tell 'em, Matthew! If you missed the episode, you can read the recap to understand what I'm talking about: "'Copper' Episode 'Good Heart and Willing Hand' Recap: Donovan Must Be Stopped."

Later, I wrote my "Daily Jabberwocky" nonsense post. I don't know what made me think of living tigers bursting out of my shirt, but it was sure a fun thought to have in my head! Please enjoy the random thoughts from inside the KristenHead: "Daily Jabberwocky: The Tiger Shirt Tried to Bite Off My Face." If you'd like to join the site to write your own posts of 400 characters or more and make a cent on every view, like, comment and share in the process, please use my referral link.

Finally, I have to share three #FMSPhotoADay posts at the same time once again, because I decided to take off the weekend to do some organizing. My last post was also a triple-header because I was busy remodeling the windows on the front of my house. This time, I decided to use the weekend to do some organizing and cleaning after the remodel.

Anyway, the photo prompts for #FMSPhotoADay were "White" for Day 7, "Made by Me" for Day 8, and "On the Wall" for today, Day 9 (Sep 9). The descriptions for each photo are in the captions:

Day 7, "White": I showcase white here by contrasting it with black.
Tippy is all dark black, except for his cute little tippy tale and chin.
Day 8, "Made by Me": Some "delicious" cat food.
Made with raw turkey and a package of kitty vitamin supplements.
Day 9, "On the Wall": A beautiful collection of butterflies.
My mother got this in Florida, signed by the artist who mounted it.


  1. There must be something in the air!
    My cat kept me awake this morning too.

    I love the butterfly art : )

  2. I miss having a cat. only have dogs now. The butterfly art is cool.


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