
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

'Person of Interest' in Motion: The Original Gang is Highlighted

"The Perfect Mark," PERSON OF INTEREST on CBS
lt to rt: Kevin Chapman and Taraji P. Henson
Tuesday, Nov. 5 (10:01 – 11:00 PM, ET/PT)
Photo: Giovanni Rufino/CBS
©2013 CBS Broadcasting Inc.
Quick Note: I had the animated gifs for the following recap completed last week, but I waited on the recap to make sure it wasn't going to be posted on Yahoo. They have been having some tech difficulties, so my usual recaps are not being posted at the moment. Until I can post on Yahoo, I'll be posting these on my blog. The downside is that I don't get paid for these. The upside is that I get to upgrade the recaps to include gifs and tweets, and I can say whatever I want! You can find my past recaps here and here Please enjoy!

"The Perfect Mark" episode of "Person of Interest" brings all of our favorite original characters back to the forefront. Finch (Michael Emerson), Reese (Jim Caviezel), Carter (Taraji P. Henson), and Fusco (Kevin Chapman) all see some action. Some fans love the whole crew, including the new characters, while others want everything back the way it used to be.

Finch sees a hypnotherapist about his resentment of Reese... actually, he's just trying to scope out his latest number, Hayden Price (Aaron Staton), hypnotherapist of the rich and powerful. Problem is, he's not actually certified. Nope, he's really a con man, hypnotizing people into giving him their private info so he can make bank off their stupidity.

The gang learns just how deep Price will sink into the weeds for a con when he cheats a poor sap out of $50,000 for a fake dealing in which Price and a "Det. Decker" (James Joseph O'Neill) fake kill each other in front of a their very freaked out mark. Then Price proceeds to con the other con man, Decker, out of $30,000 of the stolen money.

Price makes one huge mistake, however: stealing from HR by intercepting one of their money-laundering efforts. HR attempts to take him out, but Reese and Shaw are there to put a stop to their first attempt. Reese even punches one of them out after shooting him!

HR launders money through an antiques dealer named Sven (Carsten Norgaard) by having Sven pay millions of dollars of HR money for a worthless autographed baseball, sold by someone representing HR. They are essentially paying themselves, cleaning the money in the process. Price intercepts the email telling Sven which ball to buy, and he ends up buying a real one. Then he sells it to some kid for five bucks, but that kid is actually working for Price.

Simmons (Robert John Burke) tasks Carter's rookie cop partner Laskey (Brian Wiles) with killing Sven after the bungle, but Fusco and Carter take care of faking his death with a nice "bloody" picture. Carter tries to have a say in the blood-spatter design, but this is Fusco's territory: he's going for a "hollow-point special motif."

When Simmons realizes the bungle was caused by Price, he orders Terney (Al Sapienza) to get the ball from Price before killing him, and orders Laskey to kill Price's girlfriend Natalie, who finds Reese "creepy" (What?!). Reese and Carter take care of it, with Reese intervening by slamming Terney over the head with a stool (a gif of that can be found at the bottom of's article), while Carter punches Laskey in the face (love the way she looks as if she's "just had it" with the kid, below). This is all an attempt to set Price and Natalie free and blame the screw-up on "the man in the suit."

It's a bit annoying to see Price walk free, until we learn that Natalie is also a con woman, and cons Price out of the real ball. Supposedly, the jerk really loved her, which is usually impossible for con men at Price's level of douchebaggery. Ha! Take that scumbag!
Later, Terney creeps up on Carter and Laskey while they are talking about the case. Just when the rookie is becoming more likeable, this happens:

Carter immediately shoots Terney in retaliation, and Terney finally gives up the identity of the HR boss, Quinn (Clarke Peters). Carter had just trusted Quinn with her suspicions about HR's involvement in her boyfriend (and Quinn's godson) Beecher's death. If only she had known Quinn was behind the whole thing before spilling her guts!

The episode also included a fantastic Reese-Carter fist-bump. Rather than reinvent the wheel, I direct you once again to two fantastic gifs that Tim Surette over at created (both are at the bottom of the article on that page).

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