
Monday, April 7, 2014

F is for 'Fringe' and 'Firefly': First-class Sci-fi Shows

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Fringe and Firefly are the reason my post may be just a little longer than usual today. These are two of my all-time favorite shows. Fringe lasted for five seasons, and was pure sci-fi heaven. Every season was different from the last, which is one of the things some people didn't like about it, but is one of the things I loved. Some of my favorite shows reinvent themselves each season, always remaining fresh.

For some, a particular season would be their favorite, and they would hate the changes the following season. Personally, I felt Season 3 was a bit annoying initially, and then I began enjoying it once I learned more about all the new alt-universe characters. Still, Season 5 was my favorite season, and I was given a weekly assignment by Yahoo TV to write recaps for every episode of Season 5. The three gifs I created below are also available for reblogging on this Tumblr post.
Walter was the best character on Fringe. He is portrayed by John Noble,
who is an amazing actor. He displayed a full range of emotions over the
length of the show, but Walter's exceedingly odd and funny personality made him one
of the best characters ever developed.
This is one of Walter's acid trips, Monty Python style.
A great deal of his scientific research included the study and use of psychotropic drugs.
Firefly is a space western dramedy, but it's so much more than that. There's a reason that fans are still pushing for new episodes over 10 years after cancellation, and after only 14 episodes under its belt. There's also a reason that a movie titled Serenity was based on the series.

None of it was due to it's label. In fact, I hate westerns, but it turns out that I love space westerns. Yeah, space westerns are awesome. Copious amounts of hilarity mixed with deep, dark moments is also awesome. So are really quirky characters and strange relationships.
My "F" post last year was "#Fancy #Furball #Fascinates":


  1. These are indeed two excellent shows! It truly is a tragedy that Firefly was cancelled. I lament all the wonderful episodes we were denied. Great post!

    1. Yes, it's a graveyard of wasted awesomeness. Thanks for commenting!

  2. Don't think I've seen Fringe. I must have watched Firefly and I love Serenity. Didn't realise till seeing the serenity poster who was in it!! Richard Castle! Nathan Fillion. I'll have to watch Serenity again soon. Love him in Castle, it might benefit from having a bit more sci-fi in it though...
    Loving your posts.

    1. Yes, I enjoy Castle too, but I also wish it was sci-fi. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Your visuals certainly gave me the feeling of being on psychotropic drugs.

  4. I didn't watch Fringe until the series was over. It was terrific. I even like that they ended it when they finished the story instead of drawing it out. John Noble is on Sleepy Hollow now in a terrific role.
    Can't say enough love for Firefly and Serenity. And Jane's hat.

    1. I enjoyed the ending as well, and also love John Noble in pretty much everything he does. Sleepy Hollow is a great show too! Thanks for stopping by! :)

  5. I really loved Fringe, but gave up TV and haven't seen anything on it since I made that decision. I might have to order the episodes I didn't see and watch them on Netflix.

    1. I think pretty much all the shows I've written about are available on Netflix or Amazon, and/or other sites. Thanks for commenting!

  6. I haven't watched Fringe. I should. I think that I would like it. My husband loves Firefly and I've enjoyed what I've seen.

    1. They are wayyyy sci-fi, which is not all that popular with most people... so you definitely have to be open to that sort of stuff if you're going to like it. I'm glad to see another sci-fi fan. :)

  7. I just finished watching "Fringe" on Netflix and was totally in love with it from beginning to end and I was so relieved that it ended the way it did! I agree that John Noble was a wonderful character and his acid trips ala Monty Python were terrific! I also loved the "cartoon sequence" which didn't throw me for a loop in the least! I still have to watch "Firefly" and as I'm a Joss Whedon afficianado, I'll be catching up on that! Mary, aka Viola Fury

    1. So happy to see you around. I love having fellow sci-fi friends around who can appreciate a strange brain. :) Thanks so much for stopping by!

  8. Both great shows. I loved Fringe but nobody else in my house did, losers! I had heard a lot about Firefly so I sat down a year or 2 ago and watched it on Netflix, loved it, and Serenity. I've always liked Nathan Fillion and Summer Glau.

    1. They are pure awesomeness! :) Thanks for visiting!

  9. Ooo Firefly! I've not seen that in ages! I know I missed a few episodes when it was on. Hm. Might need to fix that!

  10. I haven't seen either one of these, Kristen, but as I said I don't watch much TV.



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