
Friday, April 11, 2014

J is for Jumping Cats and Dogs!

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Jumping dogs and cats are the subject of today's gif and top tweets. Below, you will see a gif that includes my cats Tippy and Booty jumping out of an empty pool. Miss Kitty, their rescued mama, watches nearby. The next part is of Max, my brother's new puppy. There's not really anymore to say about it. Just enjoy the cuteness.
I've made this gif available on this Tumblr post

My J for last year was "#Jotting #Junky #Jabberwocky":


  1. Jumping for joy :) Nice to come across your site ... it's been really hard getting around to visiting this week.

  2. Not getting to blogs is understandable. Puppies take tons of time--all very enjoyable--and cats in and out of the pool? You have your hands full!

    1. Yep, it was crazy time around here, haha! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Oh my god, that little puppy is sooo cute. And look at him jump! Happy A to Z.

    1. He's definitely a cutie, and a sweetie too! :) Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Aws I love watching animals jump. Some so successful in it...some not so much but still darling when they try :)

    Happy A to Z-ing!
    herding cats & burning soup.

    1. Ah, yes! Animals are always adorable no matter what they do, aren't they. :) Thanks for commenting!

  5. Love the cats. I find it hard with mine. How do you take care of so many?


    1. I was lucky because Miss Kitty was already an outdoor cat, and very street savvy (more than most people). She then taught her kittens to be like her. That, and having a nice big 3/4 acre yard with lots of trees and fun areas to play, a specific territory because they are all spayed and neutered, and understanding neighbors, makes it much easier. They are all outdoor cats, which doesn't work in most areas. But that means I don't need a litter box, and I feed them mostly raw organic turkey mixed with a nutrient kit to fill in the gaps. They also catch some of their own food in the way of rabbits and bugs, and various critters.


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