
Thursday, April 23, 2015

R is for Red Stamens on the Desert Bird of Paradise

I love when spring comes because that's when one of my favorite desert flowers blooms: the Desert Bird of Paradise. Just look at those gorgeous yellow flowers! But the real knockout, as you can see in the gif below, are the red stamens reaching out at twice the length of the flowers themselves.

These flowers grow like weeds around here, but that makes me very happy. The one right outside the living room bay window attracts many cute little hummingbirds. Who needs TV when you have beautiful flowers and hummingbirds?

I know I'm a couple of days behind... too much work, plus my weekly gif-tweet-caps for Elementary and Grimm, plus the Baker Street Podcast. I'll try to complete two on Saturday and one on Sunday, although I may have to push the comments and visiting of other blogs until after the challenge.

Here are a few tweets about #red stamens:

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