Reese (aka Det. Riley) kneecaps a guy because "it's hot outside," and his new tough female captain isn't too happy about it, especially since this is the fourth kneecapping this week! She believes it's narco-cowboy stuff (his previous cover). Oh, if she only knew!
Hahahaha it was too hot to be running after some loser! #PersonOfInterest
— Lucky (lucchaser) October 8, 2014
I'm liking this new captain already! Cool new addition, @POIWritersRoom ! #PersonOfInterest
— Jeff Harris (JeffHarris7) October 8, 2014
We finally found a definitive Reese weakness, Mr. Fabulous is not a fan of humidity #PersonOfInterest
— Husky PopCultureCzar (HuskyBro_Inc) October 8, 2014
Finch is broke, and needs Shaw to help cover her part of the costs out of her new job. Wait, what? Finch... isn't made of money?
Samaritan has the crew scattered, living in fear and broke. Bad Machine. #PersonOfInterest
— B. Smith (kaiju66) October 8, 2014
Fusco eye-flirts with a pretty blonde at a bar as Shaw watches. He's there to meet a “wingman” named Andre Cooper who will help him date women, but Andre is actually the next number. After a few digs at Fusco's attire, Fusco is convinced that Andre is in danger from... Fusco himself.
Fusco definately needs assistance with the ladies OMG!!!! #personofinterest
— pinknicole_85 (pinknicole_85) October 8, 2014
Ew! This professional wingman is a super douche!! #POIFusco @POIFUSCO #PersonOfInterest
— Melissa (WhoaMellyNYC) October 8, 2014
Root invites Finch on a "scavenger hunt." Hmmmm... what is this madness?
The Machine is very good at wild goose chases #PersonOfInterest
— Laura Sigler (LauraKSigler) October 8, 2014
Reese suddenly moves from dunce cap to captain's pet with some good paperwork, and a few unnamed connections.Andre wants to see a little more positivity out of Fusco, and attention to his appearance to show some respect for the ladies, but Fusco just can't help being grumpy.
Eye-rolling so hard at this dude. #PersonOfInterest
— LadySolitaire (LadySolitaire83) October 8, 2014
Finch gets all scary during a "scavenger hunt" shady deal in which Root has enlisted his help in buying some heavy weaponry -- a rocket launcher.
Bahaha, I'm with Root: I like seeing that intimidating side of Harold! Especially juxtaposed with his awkward side. #personofinterest
— HeatherJChin (HeatherJChin) October 8, 2014
Mean #MichaelEmerson Finch is the cutest!! Wait, that's not right... Er... #PersonOfInterest @PersonInterest
— Kate Bogle (boglesthemind) October 8, 2014
Oh gosh was that Finch's impression of Reese? If ROTFLOL! #PersonOfInterest
— Amy Lomm (amy1oMM) October 8, 2014
Snap! Harold just went all dark and brooding! #PersonOfInterest
— Lauren H (Rexay) October 8, 2014
Wow...Reese is rubbing off on Harold! :p #PersonOfInterest #DirtyHarold
— Steve Sagarra (SteveSagarra) October 8, 2014
Finch trying to play tough is way more amusing than it has any right to be. #PersonOfInterest
— Laura (AngelicBookworm) October 8, 2014
BAMF FINCH IS COMPLETELY AWESOME! #PersonofInterest @absegel Whoa!
— Mamahub (mamahub19) October 8, 2014
Go ahead. Make Finch's day. #PersonOfInterest
— Gina Dalfonzo (ginadalfonzo) October 8, 2014
Fusco is uncomfortably smiley at his first attempt to meet women under the guy's watch, failing miserably.But Andre seems a bit uncomfortable when he spots a supposed "buddy," then Fusco ends up breaking his cover as a cop when some other guy tries to beat up Andre for looking at his girl. Fusco's got some pretty good skills, by the way, intercepting the punch and taking the guy down in one smooth move.
#PersonOfInterest Fusco, you blew your cover but might earn points for taking down that dude
— Smith Mom (Smithmomiowa) October 8, 2014
Andre is pretty upset that Fusco lied about his job, but Fusco says it's just so he won't get picked on by the other cops.Finch goes into badass mode again for another shady deal.
#PersonOfInterest I would love to see Mr. Egret in Furious mode! #FuriousMode
— Dolores Hooper (Doloho99) October 8, 2014
Oh, Harold's two sides… #POI #PersonOfInterest
— Marishia (marijo35) October 8, 2014
Asdfghjkl FINCH YOU'RE KILLING ME #PersonOfInterest
— Dee (deecolfs) October 8, 2014
harold is like ben-linus level terrifying in this episode #personofinterest
— Brittany Rae (brittersrae) October 8, 2014
Badass Harold for the win #personofinterest
— Alexandra (MissCanadianPie) October 8, 2014
Shaw continues shadowing Fusco and Andre as Fusco continues his attempt at hooking up, until Shaw spots a bad guy. She takes out the first guy, but there are more, and Fusco and Andre are both abducted.
#PersonOfInterest Shaw is a better wingman than the wingman. Wish I could run in heels like that.
— Anna Allred Haney (mrsannahaney) October 8, 2014
and we view shaw in her natural element as she takes down random thug number 1 #PersonOfInterest
— Ben (agentwulf86) October 8, 2014
Glammed-up Fusco better get a date out of all this. Lionel deserves a little something. #PersonOfInterest
— Mindy Benson (MindyBe) October 8, 2014
Poor Fusco, even numbered seasons like to get you kidnapped and tied up. #PersonOfInterest
— Scare-ah. (sasinshort) October 8, 2014
Reese tries to help Shaw find them, but his captain is still on his ass, so Shaw takes Bear as backup instead.
About time Bear was put to work. @onlysarahshahi @PersonInterest #PersonOfInterest #POIFANS
— Bryan Jones (GSDNumberOneFan) October 8, 2014
Turns out Andre’s buddy is a murderous evil-doer. He plans to turn on his friend a second time by murdering Fusco and setting it up to look like Andre did it.Bear helps Shaw track them to a storage container headed for the bottom of the ocean. Reese shows up too, because his latest homicide traces back to Andre and his "buddy." The bad guys are still around, and they all get rightfully kneecapped.
I love how Reese said he is closing his third case. LOL. Priceless! @PersonInterest #PersonOfInterest
— Jan Frank (GraceIsKey) October 8, 2014
The next shady deal for the Finch 2.0/Root team-up is to sell the rocket launcher to the mob, but Finch backs out at the last moment. Root and the Machine knew he would, and Root kneecaps all of them. It's all part of the plan.
Yes!!! There's my Root...with guns...shooting kneecaps!! #PersonOfInterest @AmyAcker
— Karol (flipflopgal05) October 8, 2014
Root double fisting gun action.. wow! #PersonOfInterest
— Jon Jon (chiemps) October 8, 2014
#PersonOfInterest stay clear of Root. She shoots below the belt !!
— John Smallbearings (moron_tx) October 8, 2014
@AmyAcker is the only woman in the world that can make shooting a man in the crotch look adorable. #PersonOfInterest
— Tory LaLa (ToryRaw) October 8, 2014
Harold/Egret whatever the heck your name is, don't get yourself killed….nevermind! Root with these shots!! #PersonOfInterest
— Dreana (dreanabeana) October 8, 2014
The Machine's plan was basically to help them gain weapons and bags of cash for their work without Samaritan ever knowing about it.
So guns, money and now a weapon of mass destruction love it #PersonOfInterest #CBS
— carol wilson (wilsonfirelily) October 8, 2014
I think you could sell millions of poster of @AmyAcker leaning over an open bag of cash #PersonOfInterest
— Just B Cool (SeenbehindtheSE) October 8, 2014
Well the gang is now fully armed again thanks to #ROOT #PersonOfInterest
— carol wilson (wilsonfirelily) October 8, 2014
All in all, Fusco gets something extra out of the job: a date!