"The Five Orange Pipz" begins with Sherlock being snarky with Bell, then solving a case that Bell hadn't been able to solve (and which Sherlock found by rifling through Bell's desk). Consequently, Bell has trouble accepting Sherlock's presence. It's OK though... snark is their thing.
I love Det. Bell and Sherlock. They're so cute when they have their moments :D #Elementary
— kressa (kressaM) November 7, 2014
Holmes just comes back to the precinct like he owns the place.... lol. #Elementary #Holmes
— Elementary Podcast (@ElementaryPod) November 7, 2014
Not even back for an hour and he's already solved a case....#Elementary
— Nadine Z (NadineZed) November 7, 2014
Next, we have murder and Pipz (those children's toy beads that pop together). One of the two murdered men is actually murdered while he's on the phone with Gregson, after having called the other murder victim whom the police are already studying!
So what are those orange things,New flavor of @Cheerios ? #Elementary
— Me I Am Julies#1Fan (TrulyJulieRocks) November 7, 2014
@ELEMENTARYStaff Orange Beads *gasp* it's the summer camp lanyard killer!!!!......*gasp* #Elementary #soexciteditsback
— Matthew (Matthew_Clifton) November 7, 2014
So tonight's episode is about five orange cans of Mr. Pib? I'm gonna need something stronger than tea soon, I think. #Elementary
— hoosier jedi (hoosierjedi) November 7, 2014
I'm pretty sure they sell those beads by the pound at Michaels. #Elementary #
— Norwegian Explorers (NEofMN) November 7, 2014
Probably in multiple colors, too, in case you want to mix things up. #Elementary
— Norwegian Explorers (NEofMN) November 7, 2014
@Elementary_CBS So this episode's killer likes to mail out beads first? He must be a member of Etsy then, lol. #Elementary
— SirHellsing420 (SirHellsing420) November 7, 2014
Oh, DAMN! Listening to a murder at a murder. #Elementary
— Breezy (soSHalanZietE) November 7, 2014
Watson is immediately put in the case, and still seems annoyed that Sherlock wants to be involved with anything that she already feels she can handle herself. But he already knows what's going on... the dead guy was Openshaw, who sold Pipz knowing they contained a dangerous substance that metabolizes as GHB. The other dead guy was his attorney, Fordham.
Killer toys and GHB? Is this #Elementary or a really nutty "Child's Play" reboot?
— hoosier jedi (hoosierjedi) November 7, 2014
ooh, case of the orangey yellow beads! #elementary #homeworkschmomework
— kalyx cornucopia (kalyxcornucopia) November 7, 2014
Sherlock... never shy about inviting himself onto cases. #Elementary
— Michael Griffin (literateartist) November 7, 2014
Date rape beads....yeah, definitely not going to think of those beads the same way ever again. #Elementary
— Nadine Z (NadineZed) November 7, 2014
Totally not cool to make shortcuts when making toys. #Elementary
— ☆Leslie Ann☆ (Ga_Leslie) November 7, 2014
Meanwhile, Sherlock sends Kitty off to take some photos, but she freaks out when Bell grabs her lightly to ensure she doesn't step on some evidence. Obviously, something very bad happened to her at some point.
Kitty & Det. Bell at a crime scene. Kids grow up so fast! #Elementary
— Andrew McQueen (jussdru) November 7, 2014
#elementary Marcus is too cute when he's being all awkward turtle.
— Miranda Carrell (februaryfem) November 7, 2014
Kitty and Bell. She doesn’t talk to him. Much. And don’t touch her. #elementary
— Shelly T. (mizshellytee) November 7, 2014
BellBellBellBellBell. And also BELL. #Elementary
— Mary K. Pleiss (mkpleiss) November 7, 2014
After finding key piece of evidence that points to a new lead, she is very upset when Sherlock visits the new suspect with Joan, leaving Kitty out of it. This causes Kitty to have a mini-tantrum that involves listening to loud music while stabbing her shelves with a brush.
Kitty really seems to think she can skip the grunt work of learning deduction. #Elementary
— hoosier jedi (hoosierjedi) November 7, 2014
@ELEMENTARYStaff Will one of those revelations be that Kitty has a brother named Puppy? #Elementary
— Jesse (TimeLordDevious) November 7, 2014
I suppose "Kitty" is an apt name for her; she's a bit lost. #Elementary
— Colleen Mahoney (coll_mahoney) November 7, 2014
The new suspect, Gabe Coleman (Zak Orth, from "Revolution," a dearly missed sci-fi show), soon confesses to the crime because the Pipz killed his daughter. Sherlock believes he didn't do it, however, and he seems to confirm that he is only confessing because he wants his ex-wife to believe that he finally avenged his daughter's death.
@ELEMENTARYStaff Hey, there is Aaron from Revolution! It is all relative. #Elementary rocks!
— Jan Frank (GraceIsKey) November 7, 2014
@tvtagElementary this guy looks like he should be in a log cabin in the middle of the woods, not NYC lol #Elementary
— AM (vampiregoddess8) November 7, 2014
So he's falling on his sword so his ex will believe a lie. What's the benefit in that? #Elementary
— Dahne (dahne1) November 7, 2014
Survivors guilty is a ugly thing #Elementary
— The One & Only (Zezlemet) November 7, 2014
god why do you want to go to jail THERE IS NO WIFI THERE SAVE YOURSELF DUDE #Elementary
— Miranda Grace (MirandaGGrace) November 7, 2014
Never trust anyone who suddenly decides to confess... to anything. #Elementary @ELEMENTARYStaff
— Miguel Lopez (mklopez) November 7, 2014
The case takes a turn when the gang learns that a witness saw an assistant U.S. attorney running into one of the victims on the street. He's more than a little freaked out, thinking the cops are trying to entrap him, since a big-name attorney is involved.The attorney, who had thought of the victim as her version of Bin Laden, makes a good case for not being the culprit (only a jerk). Enter FBI Agent Bowden, who had inserted himself into the case right before evidence in the case against the victim had been stolen. But why would he steal the evidence?
Kitty accidentally solves the case by barging in and grabbing the photo of the Pipz, although they haven't yet realized that the Pipz are the key.
Kitty's like a small child, good lordt. I thought Sherlock was childish lol. #Elementary
— Miss Amor (aprilinoctober) November 7, 2014
Can Joan and Sherlock adopt Kitty? #Elementary
— Mills (Milliarty_) November 7, 2014
Because he hasn't yet realized that he is about to solve the case, Sherlock does his version of becoming speechless over Kitty's actions.
Sherlock really loves his wall of crazy. #Elementary
— Bridgey (heybridgey) November 7, 2014
Then Kitty makes a drug reference involving the popping of a few Pipz in order to take a nice nap, causing Sherlock to show his disgusted face for several seconds.
Sherlock is so unamused like really #Elementary
— Miranda Grace (MirandaGGrace) November 7, 2014
Sherlock's face was my face just now. #Elementary
— Don Cheddar (TweetingKerry) November 7, 2014
lol sherlock's side eye #Elementary
— Candice Frederick (ReelTalker) November 7, 2014
But this is the key they needed... the Pipz can be used as street drugs, so Agent Bowden stole the shipment of Pipz, then killed the two people who were causing the case to drag on in court. With the court proceedings finished, he could have at those Pipz.
I hope with all the "pip" being thrown around, you're all making "Great Expectations" jokes at homes. #Elementary
— hoosier jedi (hoosierjedi) November 7, 2014
@Elementary_CBS @ELEMENTARYStaff Don't you love it when mommy & daddy work together on a case? I do! I am a Holmes & Watson fan! #Elementary
— Jan Frank (GraceIsKey) November 7, 2014
Earlier, Sherlock had given a folder detailing what Kitty has been through. Joan attempts to return the folder to Kitty, but Kitty wants her to to read it so she can get a sense of who she is. Joan does so later that evening, over some fine wine.
So, is Joan going to have to take care of 2 people now #Elementary
— Elementary Podcast (ElementaryPod) November 7, 2014
She's reading it! I wonder how/if this will change the vibe between her and Kitty. #Elementary http://t.co/uf94QAnyZQ
— Elementary on tvtag (tvtagElementary) November 7, 2014
Saint Joan. *heart eyes* #Elementary
— Miss Amor (aprilinoctober) November 7, 2014
Well it looks like Holmes's Protégés are getting along. Finally. For now. #Elementary
— Jesse (TimeLordDevious) November 7, 2014
I'm glad Joan told Kitty about the envelope and I'm glad she didn't open it. #Elementary
— Miss Amor (aprilinoctober) November 7, 2014
So Kitty's retracting those claws I see. Just a little... #Elementary
— Jacqueline Dreyer (MonsterFactory3) November 7, 2014
"Just a Regular Irregular" opens with Kitty doing her best Sherlock impression: yelling "OPEN!!" at a door knock, and practicing the hitting of a dummy with her big stick. Watson is at the door, and she's wondering who on Earth is arguing with Sherlock in the other room.It's Phil Simms, whom the viewers are apparently supposed to recognize as a football player, and they are arguing about some old circus murder involving a knife-thrower. Apparently, Phil Simms is the best knife-thrower in the world (as himself). Not really, but it's fun to pretend, right?
Phil Simms just dropped an awesome cameo #knifethrowing #Elementary
— Emmett Jones (sports_business) November 14, 2014
Phil Simms is secretly the best knife thrower in the world? Thank you, #Elementary
— Sean Fields (KalThrace) November 14, 2014
Competitive blade slinging? Is that a real thing? Time for #Elementary.
— Dahne (dahne1) November 14, 2014
I’m guessing this scene would be a lot funnier if I knew who Phil Simms is/was #Elementary
— farstepper (farstepper) November 14, 2014
the impalement arts. #Elementary
— A(n)ge of Ultron (SnarkysMachine) November 14, 2014
Later, we see Harlan (remember "Solve for X," last season?) doing his shirtless math routine, and coming up with a big revelation, which leads him to a dead body.
A treasure hunt put up by strangers online .... What could POSSIBLY go wrong @Elementary_CBS @ELEMENTARYStaff #elementary
— Baker Street Podcast (BakerStreetPod) November 14, 2014
All I'm hearing right now is "math, math, math" #Elementary
— Jessie Bond (jessieb007) November 14, 2014
Math is hardcore, yo! Fibonacci in the house! #Elementary
— hoosier jedi (hoosierjedi) November 14, 2014
If you're speaking in math then you're speaking Greek to me #Elementary
— Jacqueline Dreyer (MonsterFactory3) November 14, 2014
Half-naked math nerd alert. #Elementary
— Amber B. (Misplaced_IN) November 14, 2014
Harlan says he and the dead guy were doing the same math puzzle hunt, which is supposed to lead to a big money prize. He knows some of the other people involved, which leads Sherlock and Harlan to their first suspect. She says she doesn't know the dead guy, but her dog treats prove otherwise. Sherlock takes a nibble of her rancid-cheese-flavored dog treats to prove that the woman they are questioning knows the victim, because the victim had crumbs of those nasty things in his pocket (which Sherlock had tasted, of course). She's innocent, but knows of a few more puzzle hunters.
That look Sherlock gave Pepe was almost the same look he gave Kitty last week. #Elementary
— Pam (imatoysruskid) November 14, 2014
So he would have been ok eating rancid cheese? LMAO #Elementary
— Me I Am Julies#1Fan (TrulyJulieRocks) November 14, 2014
And u thought mathematicians were weird. Sherlock has the corner stone on odd behavior #Elementary
— Jacqueline Dreyer (MonsterFactory3) November 14, 2014
— Elementary Fandom (Elementary_Fans) November 14, 2014
Sherlock and Bell go off to speak with the most likely suspect, but he realllly doesn't want to talk. Sherlock then saves Bell from the man's ginormous bullet, finally resolving their issues from last season.
@Elementary_CBS @ELEMENTARYStaff Thats my new favorite scene of the season, he's like "sorry I umm" *boom* lol so funny! #Elementary
— THE James (pingu112) November 14, 2014
Does Sherlock saving Bell from getting shot this season make up for actually getting him shot last season? #ELEMENTARY
— farstepper (farstepper) November 14, 2014
BOOM! Holy Mackerel! What caliber was THAT??? @Elementary_CBS @ELEMENTARYStaff #Elementary
— Depoetic (Depoetic) November 14, 2014
Turns out the psycho-math-gun-nerd was also on the puzzle hunt, but far enough behind the others that he was given a new clue, leading to a new death trap. Harlan gets to work solving the new puzzle, giving Kitty a front row seat to her first nerd-stripper show.
I'm starting to wonder if I would've done better in math class if I'd done my homework without a shirt. #Elementary http://t.co/kALn383bv1
— Elementary on tvtag (tvtagElementary) November 14, 2014
@ELEMENTARYStaff @Elementary_CBS I can't tell you how many times I work topless because it helps my thinking process. #Elementary
— Jan Frank (GraceIsKey) November 14, 2014
Finally, a man named Paul throws a nerd party, and tells Sherlock that a blogger named Mo Shellshocker is the killer. Seeing as how that is an anagram of Sherlock Holmes, Harlan is outed as the blogger. Everyone knows that he didn't do it though, so Sherlock discusses the case with Watson over Skype by sitting there, staring blankly at the screen while thinking.
This dude is a serious mathlete #elementary
— Candice Frederick (ReelTalker) November 14, 2014
"Did you really think I wouldn't recognize an anagram of my own name." Someone's been fangirling. #Elementary http://t.co/N7RfVU7LTX
— Elementary on tvtag (tvtagElementary) November 14, 2014
My roommate and I just said "WHAT!?" at the same time. That is how you plot twist. #Elementary
— Jessie Bond (jessieb007) November 14, 2014
Mo Shellshocker hahahahahahahaha forever #Elementary
— Don Cheddar (TweetingKerry) November 14, 2014
@ELEMENTARYStaff @Elementary_CBS Mo numbers Mo problems. Hahaha.#Elementary
— Jan Frank (GraceIsKey) November 14, 2014
Nanananana Math Man! #Elementary
— Bekah (daxafina) November 14, 2014
this is why i don't do puzzles... #Elementary
— mysha nefarious (mnefariousl) November 14, 2014
Look kids. Mom and dad are Skypeing. #Elementary
— Elementary Fans (HolmesWatson221) November 14, 2014
@Elementary_CBS i cant imagine skyping someone and just staring at them haha. only Sherlock #Elementary
— michael doyle (mjjdj88) November 14, 2014
Kitty once again solves the case indirectly by pointing out that Harlan is smarter than Sherlock gives him credit for, and points out some of the interesting things on his blog. Sherlock then has the revelation that it's Paul himself, who was searching for the owner of the blog. Harlan had shown how some lottery tickets could win 80% of the time using math, and Paul wanted to kill Harlan so he could keep hacking the lottery.
#elementary shirtless mathematician yeah um no
— Julie (60Jag) November 14, 2014
"You are a tremendous asset, so come over and do math with your shirt off whenever you want." #Elementary
— ♡m a d e l i n e♡ (Embrace_Mads) November 14, 2014
Can someone show me how beat the lottery. I've got about 40G left to pay back in school loans. #Elementary
— Elementary Fans (HolmesWatson221) November 14, 2014
Meanwhile, Sherlock sees Joan's new apartment, and meets her new boyfriend. He is utterly unimpressed by the ordinary sights and sounds he encounters there.
@Elementary_CBS "Watson seems adequately sexed" hahaha he is just the most awkward person #Elementary @jonnyjlm
— michael doyle (mjjdj88) November 14, 2014
Cackling at Sherlock's interactions with Joan's boyfriend. #Elementary
— Jessie Bond (jessieb007) November 14, 2014
We also learn that Kitty had been sexually abused, and Joan doesn't think Sherlock's use of her will be good for her in the long run. She insists that Kitty go to a support group. Kitty surprisingly agrees, and asks Joan for help. At the end of the episode, Joan is there for her, sitting right next to her at the meeting.
Does this mean Kitty and Joan will eventually be friends? DO WANT! #Elementary
— Kristy (lokistiel) November 14, 2014
That's unexpected. I was not expecting them to attend together. #Elementary http://t.co/qMsHrrjcLI
— Elementary on tvtag (tvtagElementary) November 14, 2014
I have a deep appreciation for what #Elementary is doing with Kitty.
— Kelly (stringertheory) November 14, 2014