We begin with a flashback where we see exactly what happened when the world almost ended. A regular woman named Becca created ALIE, which is the AI tech that thought that saving the world meant killing off humans by nuking everyone. Who knew that the blowing up of the world could be so beautiful!
If that's the opening scene what the HECK IS THE REST OF THE EPISODE LIKE?? #the100
— Abby Wilson (AbDayW) March 4, 2016
No version of Smart House ever works out #The100
— Samantha Tinsley (STinsleyS) March 4, 2016
RIP the earth #the100
— Marísa (xaponix) March 4, 2016
Oh hey guys look, my hometown was destroyed #The100
— Lexa deserved better (AustinKomTrikru) March 4, 2016
— Commander Lexa (momo_0_o) March 4, 2016
Great job, Becca, your AI killed mankind #The100
— Talk Nerdy With Us (TalkNerdyWithUs) March 4, 2016
This might be inconsiderate, but that's a very pretty nuclear apocalypse #The100
— Leanne Koch (LeanneFryingPan) March 4, 2016
Somewhere on the ground theres John Connor right? #The100
— The Lion (The__Lion) March 4, 2016
I like it when this show starts off light and cheerful like that #THE100
— Gillian Berry (mizgillianberry) March 4, 2016
Well #the100 finally top their last death toll... Pretty much all of planet earth.
— Mishka B (Mitch_b22) March 4, 2016
Continuing with the flashback storyline, Becca's crew probably won't be happy to learn that she is still working on the AI that destroyed the world, even though they believe that the only remaining survivors are those living in the 13 stations in space that will soon make up the one and only Ark. She's even injecting herself with it, which... surprise surprise... turns her blood black! This makes Becca the first ever Nightblood.
#The100 pure science fiction <3 loving it!
— Suh :) (suh_sana) March 4, 2016
The infinity symbol is on the "Commander" jacket on the space station. And the lab coat. #The100
— Inside The 100 (InsideThe100) March 4, 2016
Nice to see Alie talking like a human & not like a phone answering machine haha #The100
— RaeAnn (RaeAnnJackson11) March 4, 2016
— James (FlyLikeHedaLexa) March 4, 2016
Polaris. Becca has black blood. The first commander has black blood. Nightbloods. Polis. #the100
— lu loves lexa (puppyheda) March 4, 2016
— go float yourself (smokesignalbeer) March 4, 2016
Nope, her crew isn't happy at all, because they can't join the other 13 stations until she gives up all this nonsense. The other stations of the Ark threaten to shoot Polaris out of space in order to make an example of them to kick off Unity Day. She'd rather save her tech than the real life flesh and blood people who make up her crew, so Polaris is blown up as Becca makes her way down to Earth in a pod.
*brain floats into space* #The100
— JoAnna (Pizzawitjo) March 4, 2016
Meanwhile, Murphy is still being tortured by Titus, but escapes his restraints. He is the first to figure out the connection between Polis and Polaris, as the crashed pod is right there in the dungeon with him, with the missing "ar" on the pod. He also notices that there are images of a woman around the room, which Titus has been praying to. He assumes the woman is ALIE, since he's being tortured for information about the infinity symbol on the ALIE pill that Jaha gave him, and Titus has been calling it "the sacred symbol."
What is it with white guys and creepy underground torture chambers? #The100
— Kayla Marie (KP_KaylaMarie) March 4, 2016
Murphy has the WORST luck! He always getting kidnapped and tortured by somebody. #The100
— Brittanie (ItsBriittaniiee) March 4, 2016
Hey ... you guys remember when we didn't like Murphy? That was weird. #The100
— Dalene Rovenstine (RealDaleneR) March 4, 2016
When Titus comes in and captures Murphy again, he continues to refuse to believe anything Murphy says about the symbol that doesn't coincide with his beliefs in his religion concerning the symbol.
Murphy just discovered secret to the universe #LadyKru #The100
— Curious Dorks (CuriousDorks) March 4, 2016
Elsewhere at Polis, Semet drags in Octavia as his prisoner, and tells Lexa about how Arkadia tried to kill everyone again. Titus and he want to kill them all, but Lexa compromises (for the love of her girlfriend Clarke) with a barrier instead of a "death to Arkadia" order, which will give the good guys time to take down Pike from the inside. The other side of the compromise is a kill order on any Arkadian who crosses the barrier.
I think this new belief system's gonna be an issue. #The100
— NEP (NotEnoughPotter) March 4, 2016
Kill order is out bitches. Clexa Are Soulmates #The100
— Lexa Deserved Better (grounder_life) March 4, 2016
Titus is totally considering donning a blonde wig to see if that increases his chances of getting lexa to listen to him #The100
— Kyla Ren Hom (mohalyak) March 4, 2016
Lexa just needs to run for president #The100
— Danielle (dani_c_18) March 4, 2016
Here we go again with Clarke "fixing" things #The100
— Kid Potato (Crystalmonday80) March 4, 2016
Just, like. Can't Lexa just send someone to kill Pike? Slowly and painfully? #The100
— Keysmash (keysmashblog) March 4, 2016
Titus is so shady. Can he be my best friend? #The100
— untitledTV (untitled_tv) March 4, 2016
Listen, I don't like Titus, but he's like a billion percent right. #The100
— Jennifer Iacopelli (jennifercarolyn) March 4, 2016
Blood Must Not Have Blood - Clarke ft. Lexa available on Itunes #The100
— ; (ItsMvrcus) March 4, 2016
Blood must have blood dammit! Heda DO YOUR JOB AND BANG ON SKYKRU! #the100
— Boyega☥Malik☥Beharie (Melan8edFangrl) March 4, 2016
Lexa should be called Commander of Impossible Situations. #The100
— Amanda Joyce (amandajoyce118) March 4, 2016
Semet hates the idea and tries to kill Lexa, but Titus stabs him in the neck with his own knife. Octavia and Clarke also hate the deal because of the kill order.
Honestly, at this point I would have given an ultimatum to Skaikru: GIve me the head of Pike, or WAR! #The100 @cwthe100
— Miguel Lopez (mklopez) March 4, 2016
Clarke: "Yeah, no he's totally right. I'll pretty much say anything to save my people, so im just gonna slowly back out of here..."#The100
— J.P. (jmdklp) March 4, 2016
Listen I know Titus has been a little shit lately, but deep down he just wants to protect his little jellybean. #The100
— Jenna Duggan-Lykes (jennalykes) March 4, 2016
Titus: *casually kills a man* Titus: yeah no biggie whatever #the100
— candles not cantdles (extraextralexa) March 4, 2016
damn! way to be on it, Titus. had a minor heart attack there for a second... #The100
— Sheebs ➰ (sheeeebs_) March 4, 2016
Well, uhmm... thanks for that, Titus #The100
— Grounder enfurecida (anywhere8) March 4, 2016
Lmao dude did you just try to attack the Commander in front of everyone. Game over #The100
— Heidi Chin (heidiklutz) March 4, 2016
Bitch sit down. That's what happens when you attack Heda. #the100
— george (TalkMurtyToMe) March 4, 2016
— C (iblamethegays) March 4, 2016
— Commander Lexa (momo_0_o) March 4, 2016
Holy heart attack, batman. Amiright? #The100 #LadyKru
— Valerie Anne (PunkyStarshine) March 4, 2016
Octavia tries to convince her to say her goodbyes and come home, but those goodbyes to Lexa turn into a two-part sex-capade. At least Octavia is able to convince Indra to join her in battling Pike.
It was as if a million bellarks cried out at once and were suddenly silenced #The100
— Christian Watt (wattupwiththat) March 4, 2016
Because Clarke sleeping with the person who left all her people to die makes total sense. #The100
— Gracie B. (Gracie_TV) March 4, 2016
Somebody call an ambulance for clexa shippers!!!!! #The100
— 1 Me (1Sky_Person) March 4, 2016
THIS is how you unite the clans. #The100
— Doug (dougclose) March 4, 2016
— Ashley Nichole (TheAshleyness) March 4, 2016
Sweet mother of God. What have we done to deserve this?? Bless this show. #the100
— Sibyl Muñoz (SibylMunoz) March 4, 2016
I'm actually smiling so big I look like a crazy person I love it #The100
— FandomLesbian (FandomLez) March 4, 2016
— saved (clarktaviuh) March 4, 2016
— ej. (ohmyheda) March 4, 2016
Am I in the City of Light?! Don't wake me. #The100
— Wendy Sparks (anomalys) March 4, 2016
Pet peeve: Sex scenes during the most inopportune moments. #The100
— Karen Rought (Karen_Rought) March 4, 2016
Indra's about to save her daughter Octavia. 😩🙌🏾 #the100
— bradbury coñaso™✨▪️ (xLosingFaith) March 4, 2016
Titus doesn't like that Lexa has made concessions for Clarke, even allowing her to stay on the Grounders' side of the barrier, so he uses Murphy as bait to lure Clarke out so he can kill her with a gun and make it look like Murphy shot her. What he doesn't count on, however, is not knowing how to fire a gun. He wildly shoots around the room, trying to hit Clarke, but hits Lexa instead as she walks out to see what the commotion is all about.
No. No. No. All of the nope. #the100 https://t.co/CksurSXmYQ
— StarryMag (StarryMag) March 4, 2016
Oooooopppssss #The100
— Jennifer (jenserviss) March 4, 2016
RIP Lexa and RIP Jason Rothenberg because Clexa shippers are coming after you. #the100
— Erica (lilsushigirl) March 4, 2016
Titus you stupid asshole #THE100
— Lexa deserved better (skaikruswan) March 4, 2016
So Lexa is in the City of Light now?? #the100
— hope (zftmani_) March 4, 2016
The bellarkers were right how ironic #the100
— reshop heda (Iankree) March 4, 2016
I couldn't help myself and threw a plate into the wall and smashed it because I'm having too many feelings #the100
— louise (dovingly) March 4, 2016
im crying the ugliest of tears right now #the100
— Nicole (FifthJauregui_) March 4, 2016
Hey quick suggestion for #The100 and every other piece of media ever maybe stop killing your gays????????
— Lily S (spacedoutlily) March 4, 2016
— CAS IS SATAN!!!!! (spnfan_330) March 4, 2016
— bruna (brunafrmaciel) March 4, 2016
— chell (natdorms) March 4, 2016
Welp it was a good run #The100. I'm officially out.
— Amanda S. (Crazyukfan2005) March 4, 2016
Oh, look, maybe this will be the first of many times and...Nope. Just once. #The100
— Claymores R Us (cloneposter) March 4, 2016
Murphy must be so confused right now. #The100
— jess. (galfridian) March 4, 2016
There's a nice moment of Titus and Clarke saying their goodbyes, but then Titus pulls out the AI tech from the back of Lexa's neck, where the "sacred" infinity symbol resides.
Whelp Murphy needs to fill Clarke in on some shit. #The100
— Courtney Elliott (Chawpelliott) March 4, 2016
— Jordan (jbug231) March 4, 2016
it rly doesn't seem hygienic to just pop that lil dude in another person #The100
— breanna ॐ (_wanheda_) March 4, 2016
Well, I wasn't expecting that. #The100
— Kristen Butler (KristenDB96) March 4, 2016
HO. LY. SHIT. #The100
— Boyega☥Malik☥Beharie (Melan8edFangrl) March 4, 2016
But really, perfect time to bring up the Matrix #The100
— Will (WilliamJTV) March 4, 2016
The creative minds behind #The100 are cackling with maniacal glee, the same way Joss Whedon did once.
— Claymores R Us (cloneposter) March 4, 2016
If you want to see the full spectrum of emotions a human can have, just check out #The100 fans tonight.
— Eric Goldman (TheEricGoldman) March 4, 2016
So, Becca was the first "commander" of the Grounders (she was wearing her commander's space suit when she landed), and she had already implanted the upgraded ALIE AI tech (which has the infinity brand label slapped on it) in the back of her neck, making her part human and part computer. This tech was passed down a line of commanders, creating a line of Nightbloods (apparently their spawn has it too), and the old ALIE hologram wants the upgrade, probably so she can destroy it and set off nukes again.
Did they kill her just to show how the whole commander thing works??? 😒 #the100
— Des (dessy_poupee) March 4, 2016
me right now during other fandoms meltdowns #the100 https://t.co/LN3chOQ0II
— J. (hotsforolicity) March 4, 2016
— WanHELLA (SkaiKruWanHella) March 4, 2016
#Clexa fans going through the five stages of grief. Acceptance will be a long, long way off for some. #The100
— Claymores R Us (cloneposter) March 4, 2016
Turns out the Bitanic joke didn't only involve the drawing scene but also the one-of-them-dies part. #The100
— marti misses halsey (blackeyedmarti) March 4, 2016
Raise your hand (RT) if you’ve ever felt personally victimized by @JRothenbergTV #The100 https://t.co/ZvJxRtg5Yf
— Natalie Abrams (NatalieAbrams) March 4, 2016
I went from "#The100 is the best show of all time" to "I HATE THIS SHOW SO MUCH!!" In a 10 minute span!!!
— James (FlyLikeHedaLexa) March 4, 2016
I AM LITERALLY, 9000% DEAD. I AM CRYING TEARS OF BLOOD. FML 😭😭😭 #The100 @JRothenbergTV @the100 @The100writers https://t.co/dUQTflH5PO
— RIP CLEXA (trenchertrash) March 4, 2016
I just -- I'm done. Nope. No more. I'm not -- I'm not watching this show anymore. I'm done. DONE. That was just. NOT FAIR. #The100 #Clexa
— Morgan Rose (morganrus490) March 4, 2016
I'm just kinda meh. That was a cheap death to explain the AI commander thing and pull a just kidding! on that happy moment. #the100
— Kim Dawson (kdawson424) March 4, 2016
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