Saturday, April 20, 2013

Remembering Rugged Roads

I used to live on a farm for awhile when I was younger, and some of my favorite memories had to do with the dirt roads around the property. Some of the best memories I have were actually scary moments at the time. We had almost 500 acres, so we had plenty of roads around the area so we could get around with the tractor and truck

Part of the farm, where we had our mobile home, was on what I like to call the "upper level." The only way to get from the upper level to the lower level was via a very narrow, steep dirt road. My mom and dad never seemed to have trouble driving the truck down this narrow road, even though I always got nervous every time.

The tractor, on a wider road
The tractor was another matter. My parents had to do all sorts of finagling to get that thing down the road. It always looked as if it would simply tip over the side. There was nothing on the side of the road to stop it from doing just that. There was a hill that went straight up on the right, and a sheer drop-off on the left. But they always managed to get the job done.

Another memory I have involving those old roads is one where my only older cousin tried to get me to outrun my dad's van. This was on the lower level, where there was a long road alongside the creek. It was almost a forested area, with many trees on one side, and a steep hill with more trees on the other.

Me, when I was young,
with the wildflowers
This road was much wider, so the van could drive on the left side, while we had room to run alongside on the right. I was three years younger than my cousin, and much shorter. But he kept pushing me, telling me not to wimp out, telling me I could do it. At some point, however, I just couldn't go another inch without dying (or at least passing out).

One last memory I have involving the farm roads is from a time when my parents returned from a trip out of town. Whenever they came home from somewhere, I would run up to greet them on the road. This time, however, there was more than just my parents there to greet me.

One of the hills I used to hike down
I ran up the little hill beside the mobile home, and up to the main road. I was so happy to see them, and stood in the middle of the road to wave at them while they waved back.  Before I could walk up to get in the car, an enormous tarantula walked across the road between us.

I'm terrified of spiders! I froze, mouth agape, watching this monstrosity walking leisurely with its eight hairy legs as if nothing was wrong. From its perspective, there was nothing wrong at all. All it saw was some dirt, with maybe a place to eat on the other side of that dirt. All I saw was pure horror. My dad had to get out of the car to convince me to move my legs so I could get out of the middle of the road and ride back home.


  1. You've been nominated for a Liebster Award! Check it out at



    1. Thank you! I already got one, but maybe I'll do a little less this time, but nominate the same 11 people or something. Thank you so much! :)

  2. Great stories, really enjoyed reading them. We had a dirt road behind my parent's house. Good times playing back there

    1. I love them. My grandmother still had only dirt roads to get to her house until she passed away, and my aunt still has that property. I love it out there.

  3. Oh, I remember those dirt roads. And the ditches beside them that made the greatest mud and mud baths. And getting my fingers pinched between the cab and the bed of the truck as we road in the back.

  4. Lovely memories, I like the pic of you when you were younger. I can relate with you on the spider story too!

  5. Great memories. I'm not afraid of spiders but if I saw a tarantula I might not stick around.

    Dark Thoughts Blog

    1. Yeah, this one was pretty big! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. I'm too OK with spiders, maybe because there is no dangerous one on our years gone by dirt road. But snakes ... ooh dear, they freaked me out really bad, every time. And they were (still are) everywhere. Good story indeed!

    1. We also had snakes, but I was never afraid of them. My grandmother and parents always taught me what to do if there was a snake, so I just wasn't scared.

  7. Nice memories. Spiders are horrendous. I'm not scared of 'em but they are just too gross.

    Sania at Embracing Dawn

    1. Yes, they are very gross. And terrifying, to me. Thanks for stopping by!

  8. You lived on a farm, but your name wasn't MacDonald. And of course you were young.

    For me, better a spider than a rattlesnake. I almost stepped on one of those.

    Blessings and Bear hugs!
    Bears Noting

    1. I was never afraid of snakes, although we had those too. My grandmother had taught me how to avoid snakes, and what to do if you say one and such. I don't know, I just wasn't afraid of them. Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Ugh, spiders! Everything was so nice and candid...until the spider ruined everything! :)

    Chontali Kirk

    1. Haha.. I know, huh?! :) Thanks for stopping by!

  10. That pic of you amongst the wildflowers is brilliant. Such nostalgia in your it.

    Damyanti @Daily(w)rite Co-host, A to Z Challenge 2013

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z
    AZ blogs on Social Media

    1. Awww, thank you so much, and thanks for stopping by!

  11. That pic of yours is cute.

    Now I am gonna add a bit more burden onto you. You Inspire me through your writings. So i nominated you for the "Very Inspiring Blogger Award". :)

    -Check my blog for rules and details if you wish to accept it.

    1. Thank you very much! I mentioned the award in a post, but have not yet had time to accept it. I am still planning to do it though! Thanks again!

  12. haha that tarantula memory is cool. I was dead scared of stray dogs which randomly start barking and I freeze on roads
    Your pic is cute shud have been more clear

    good day

    1. Thank you. The picture was so old and starting to fade. I don't have one that is clearer. I've had so many dogs. We even took in a three-legged dog at one time, which we called Paso. He was the toughest of all the dogs, and could fight off all the coyotes and other stray dogs. But dogs just hanging out on the street, with no leash -- definitely a cause for concern.

  13. Enoy reading your blog! Your posts are very relatable. Stopping by from the A to Z Challenge.

    Raising Arizona in Wisconsin

    1. Thank you so much! And thanks for stopping by!

  14. Sounds like you had a wonderful childhood - full of adventure and now memories. Loved the post.

    1. Thank you! It's true, I loved it. :) Thanks for stopping by!

  15. New follower here. Connecting from the A-Z.
    I haven't actually been on a farm. I did help with cattle once though. It was a strange thing.
    My Blog Post

    1. Yep, it can be strange if you've never done any such thing. Thanks for stopping by!

  16. Cool post. We didn't have a farm but lived out in the country. Thankfully we didn't have tarantulas but we did have big fat hairy wood spiders...shiver!

    1. Ugh!! I would be terrified! We also get what I call "skin spiders" here. They're really fat, and the color of skin. And if one of them gets crushed, it looks like a tiny massacre. It's like a teeny person inside. Ewww!

      Thanks for stopping by!


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